Joint Health Less Pain

Joint Health & Comfort Tips

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We want to consider nourishing all our joints' cartilage and all our joints' synovial fluid, both of which cushion our bones where they join together at all our body's joints. 

TIP: Nourish Our Joints' cartilage inexpensively and effectively  with GELATIN or COLLAGEN.

Following are some tips you may want to try for joint health and comfort. Gained from my experience of finding relief from hip joint pain by nourishing the hip joint's cartilage.


The first GREAT TIP I got was from my father-in-law on how something the Veteran’s Administration suggested he try to improve arthritis he had in his hands.


In the 1970s he had been taking cortisone shots in his hands to treat the arthritis. He was experiencing lots of pain in his hands. The Veteran’s Administration suggested he try Knox gelatin. 


My Father-in-Law began using Knox gelatin as a possible help to improving his arthritis at the suggestion of the Veteran's Administration.  He had arthritis in his hands so bad, his fingers were curled, he did not have close to full range of motion, and he was taking cortisone shots in the fingers.


A few months after starting to take this gelatin, he realized he had full range of motion in his fingers, the pain & swelling had gone away, and he no longer was taking cortisone shots.  This may not help everyone's different types of arthritis, joint problems, etc., but it does help some types.



What else gelatin does is nourish joints (cartilage), bones, hair, skin, and finger nails. As a result of my bad left knee, a knee severely injured in high school football, I stand on my right leg more and favor the left knee when standing still, roller blading and in other activities. As a result, I developed serious pain in my right hip. I tried analgesic heat rubs and did not find relief.


My father in-law suggested I try Knox Gelatin. I did and the pain in my right hip went away. After a few months I quit taking the gelatin, and the right hip pain soon came back. After taking double doses of gelatin, the pain quit again. I have been taking Knox gelatin regularly since and the hip pain has not recurred.


I know I am nourishing all the joints in my body, not just my left knee and right hip with Knox Gelatin. As of 2025, I have been doing this almost daily for over 27 years. It has been inexpensive and effective.



Suggestion on how to consume.

I stir 1 heaping teaspoon a day into room temperature water. It helps to wait 2 to 5 minutes to let the gelatin absorb water. In cooking parlance, that is waiting 2 to 5 minutes to allow the gelatin to “BLOOM” (absorb water). Stir again and drink. My wife likes to stir into tea instead of water.


I use one teaspoon to stir while I use a second teaspoon to slowly pour the gelatin into the water. It works better than pouring the entire teaspoon of gelatin into the liquid and then using the same teaspoon to stir. You can really get some clumping of the gelatin using only 1 teaspoon. However, with “BLOOMING” and stirring, one teaspoon works pretty well. Play with it to find your preference.


** I will include a few articles next covering the health benefits of gelatin.


** Then, I will touch a bit on how to nourish the synovial fluid in our joints.


** And following that, touch a bit on collagen, which is very similar to gelatin Healthwise. One difference is collagen doesn’t gel in liquid like gelatin does.

Suggestion on how to consume Knox Gelatin powder.

Stir 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon into room temperature water. It helps to wait 2 to 5 minutes to let the gelatin absorb water. Stir again and drink. You may want to try other liquids such as tea.


I use one teaspoon to stir while using a second teaspoon to slowly pour the gelatin into the water. It works better than pouring the entire teaspoon of gelatin into the liquid and then using the same teaspoon to stir. You can really get some clumping of the gelatin using only 1 teaspoon. However, with soaking the powder in the liquid for 2 to 5 minutes, one teaspoon works fairly well. Play with it to find your preference.

I will soon be embedding  a few documents in regard to Gelatin use and Benefits written by knowledgeable accredited people on this subject. One of these documents named "20 03 18 Gelatin Uses and Benefits per Wellness Mama", makes some cautionary comments on if you should consider not taking Gelatin on the next to the last page of this Wellness Mama document.

The following 3 documents in regard to Gelatin use and Benefits are written by knowledgeable accredited people on this subject. As you click on the "Open Document in a new window" icon of a particular file name, the file will open in a new tab. 

"Open Document in new window"

22 11 28 Health Benefits of Gelatin per Web MD
20 03 18 Gelatin Uses and Benefits per Wellness Mama
17 06 04 Gelatin Cold Water

Our Joints' Synovial Fluid

[Googled: Synovial Fluid Definition]

What is the meaning of synovial fluid?

Synovial fluid, also known as joint fluid, is a thick liquid located between your joints. Synovial fluid cushions the ends of bones and reduces friction when you move your joints. Sep 16, 2021

Synovial fluid also provides nourishment to the articular cartilage, which does not contain blood vessels.

How do you maintain synovial fluid?

It's another reason to eat leafy greens, bright-colored fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and foods HIGH IN OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS; they nourish your joints and keep your synovial fluid healthy. Add foods high in allicin like onions and garlic, and fermented foods like yogurt and kefir and your joints will thank you. Aug 2, 2021

What foods lubricate your joints?

CONSUMING HEALTHY FATS CAN INCREASE JOINT HEALTH AND LUBRICATION. Foods high in healthy fats include salmon, trout, mackerel, avocados, olive oil, almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds. The OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS in these foods will assist in joint lubrication.

Does water increase synovial fluid?

“When we drink water, we not only help stimulate the production of synovial fluid, but also help with cartilage regeneration and lubrication of the cartilage to reduce joint inflammation,” says Dr. Cadet. Jul 8, 2021


*Please see the following article titled “Cod Liver Oil is Good for the Joints” which explains the possibly turning off of cartilage destroying enzymes.

Cod liver oil is good for the joints


From what I have read, collagen is very similar to gelatin Healthwise. One difference is collagen doesn’t gel in liquid like gelatin does.

One friend has suggested powdered collagen is a bit better than tablets because 1) it is a bit more cost effective and 2) a bit more pure. The tablets have some type of "binding agent" to turn the powder into the tablets. 

Please also consider, like it was suggested in regard to gelatin in the earlier file named - “20 03 18 Gelatin Uses and Benefits per Wellness Mama” document file, cautions – “If you decide to use gelatin collagen as a supplement, check with your doctor or medical professional, especially if you have a medical condition.” AND “As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor."

Here are a couple of Collagen articles.

22 04 13 Collagen Benefits including Joint Heart N Bone
23 01 10 Daily Collagen Powder Does This to Your Body



12 05 14 Joint Deterioration Linked to Periodontal Problems
24 02 16 Does Oral Bacteria Affect Joints and Bones

Some Oral / Periodontal

 Bacteria BAD Types↓ 

Me Love KNEE Joints

Me Like LEFTOVER Joints

Me HATE Coconut Oil Swishing!!!

Me LOVE Hip Joints

I'll Take a Double Please

Me LOVE Synovial Fluid

Me HATE Coconut Oil Swishing!!!




Refrain: ME LIKE ME!

Me HATE Coconut Oil Swishing!!!

Also at the top of this web page, you will see the "More Goodies" page to the right of the "Joint Health Less Pain" page.  You might want to take a peak at those more goodies. 

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